Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Child of the ghetto!

Child of the ghetto,
Deft with the stiletto,
Picking his humanity from the drains,
Bound by invisible heavy chains,
Drugs, rape, violence, gangsterism,
Target of a psychic militarism,
Tired of the stigma,
Mired in endless drama,
Determined not to be a victim,
He became broken,
Embraced the love which came with a pricey tagged token,

If he had never been broken,
He could not be mended,
For he had been too bended,
Evil easily blended,
He was drowning,
This is no clowning,
Drowning men don't save themselves,
An angel unexpectedly showed up,
In human mentoring form,
Holding the key,
To his brand new person,
He gave it to him in person,
It was no easy walk,
It was harder than cheap talk,

He engaged the new journey,
Obeying every engagement rule,
Tempted to be stubborn like a mule,
He hooked up to the those who know the path,
And began to learn science and math,
Like the butterfly from the caterpillar,
A gentleman emerges,
As the ghetto dies in him,
He is now headed for beyond the stars,
This can be your story,
But you must acknowledge the problem,
You are like a patient,
And wouldn't get help if you don't find a doctor,
The medicine might be terrible,
Depending on how bad you want your cure,
You will be ready to endure. 

Brussels © October 2014 afesehngwaHilary