Not a definite end,
A growing journey,
Sustained by boundless grace,
Stepping out,
Standing out,
From a crowd of look alikes,
Different but not indifferent,
Phenomenal woman,
Not because of the curve of your lip,
or the size of your hip,
But in spite of it,
Not because of the beauty on your face,
But despite it,
Because of the resplendent beauty in your heart,
Phenomenal woman,
With no desire to be a man,
No zeal to usurp his role,
Phenomenal woman,
Wife to the man,
Mother to the children,
Sister to the brethren,
Farmer on the farm,
Cook in the kitchen,
Teacher in the classroom,
Worker in the office,
Engineer, doctor, president,
Phenomenal woman,
Groundbreaking resilience,
Indefatigable persistence,
Amidst heartbreaking pestilence,
Even as victim of abuse,
Witness of abuse,
Phenomenal woman,
Unspeakable graceful strength,
Unbelievable loving power,
Flowing like a mighty stream,
Phenomenal woman,
Body bashed,
Face bowed,
Not in resignation,
But in quiet painful hopeful contemplation,
Scheming a bounce back,
Mapping recovery,
The spineless ignoramus looks down on you,
The world looks up to you,
Even when they realize it not,
Phenomenal woman,
You hold the skies of our humanity in place,
Nobody can take your place,
No man can replace,
Phenomenal woman,
You are too important,
You are too critical,
You are too vital,
You are too invaluable,
True humanity needs you,
Anything which threatens,
And endangers your womanhood,
Puts mankind at the very brink,
The brink of extinction,
Phenomenal woman,
Beware! Beware! Beware!
Beware of extreme 'feminists',
Beware of male chauvinists,
Beware of overarching careers,
Beware of an overly demanding world,
Like all these beware of anything,
Anything which vies to suffocate and choke,
The priceless jewel you are,
Phenomenal woman.
Standing out,
From a crowd of look alikes,
Different but not indifferent,
Phenomenal woman,
Not because of the curve of your lip,
or the size of your hip,
But in spite of it,
Not because of the beauty on your face,
But despite it,
Because of the resplendent beauty in your heart,
Phenomenal woman,
With no desire to be a man,
No zeal to usurp his role,
Phenomenal woman,
Wife to the man,
Mother to the children,
Sister to the brethren,
Farmer on the farm,
Cook in the kitchen,
Teacher in the classroom,
Worker in the office,
Engineer, doctor, president,
Phenomenal woman,
Groundbreaking resilience,
Indefatigable persistence,
Amidst heartbreaking pestilence,
Even as victim of abuse,
Witness of abuse,
Phenomenal woman,
Unspeakable graceful strength,
Unbelievable loving power,
Flowing like a mighty stream,
Phenomenal woman,
Body bashed,
Face bowed,
Not in resignation,
But in quiet painful hopeful contemplation,
Scheming a bounce back,
Mapping recovery,
The spineless ignoramus looks down on you,
The world looks up to you,
Even when they realize it not,
Phenomenal woman,
You hold the skies of our humanity in place,
Nobody can take your place,
No man can replace,
Phenomenal woman,
You are too important,
You are too critical,
You are too vital,
You are too invaluable,
True humanity needs you,
Anything which threatens,
And endangers your womanhood,
Puts mankind at the very brink,
The brink of extinction,
Phenomenal woman,
Beware! Beware! Beware!
Beware of extreme 'feminists',
Beware of male chauvinists,
Beware of overarching careers,
Beware of an overly demanding world,
Like all these beware of anything,
Anything which vies to suffocate and choke,
The priceless jewel you are,
Phenomenal woman.
Brussels © December 2014 afesehngwaHilary