Friday, December 4, 2009

No limit to better

No limit to better!

I love better,
Better than best,
It takes away the pressure,
Of being the best,
So that like a laser beam,
I can just focus on being better,
Better than the me of one second ago,
And there is no limit to being better,
An endless opportunity to improve,
Best in a vague way sets a limit in the mind,
Best can mistakenly tell a lie that it is the end,
For me there is no end,
And better is best!

by Afeseh Ngwa Hilary


  1. hey I like what you have said, I just saw it... when you say 'best', you necessarily compare yourself to other people and 'better' can be a race with your own self; i like the latter :)

  2. yea KB, the race with self(former self) is best :-)
