Tuesday, March 3, 2015

First step to the vow - first date!

He manage to pull himself together and struggling with his words he said:

I was very shy,
You were the reason why,
Young unaccomplished bloke,
When I spoke you thought it was a joke,
I finally plucked the courage to ask you out for a date,
I remember how you did make me wait,
Never was there a wait so long,
That each second felt like eternity was just wrong,
Ten years later we are still going strong,
After that first wait,

Ten years to today I still had to wait,
Today that same courage I summoned to ask you out on that first date,
I pluck like I did the beautiful flower in my hand and ask you to be my mate,
My life long mate,
Please don't mind my tears,
I am overwhelmed by gratitude for all the imperfect but enriching years,
Two years travelling but always looking forward to now,
I am unsure how,
But you are here now,
At last I can say a relieving wow,
Come take a bow,

Later on you’ll hear my vow,
But first help me manage this eruption of joy,
Before I degenerate into an explosion of sheer delight.

Brussels © March 2015 afesehngwaHilary

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