Friday, March 12, 2010

Fall of a great man!

Fall of a great man!

Many a great man have met their fall,
Not at the barrel of the gun,
Neither by the edge of a sword,
Nor by a friend's tongue of betrayal,
But by the flames of lustful passion,
Stoked by rabid fleshy desire,
For the fire of sinful pleasure,
That listening ear to the skin’s pleasure plea,
That second look,
The one too many glance,
At the wrong place,
Those secret meetings,
Under the guise of too much work,
It is on that wave of satisfaction,
In an illegitimate passionate frenzy,
That many a great man have ridden to their fall,
The cremation of life bodies,
By the nibbling flames of lustful desire,
So Beware!!!

© 2010 afeseh ngwa hilary