Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Your Stretch Marks

Stop covering the same distance to and fro,
You will never know how far you can go,
How deep you can reach,
How much you have to teach,
How much you can dare,
How much you can care,
How much you can love,
Never discover you can be gentler than a dove,
Until you dare to stretch a little more every time,
Never underestimating what is your prime,
And even though it might come with a costly price tag of pain,
The proverbial prelude to sustainable gain,
Everybody and anybody can pay that price,
Sometimes you need to try a triple thrice,
It is mostly only a matter of choice,
To give your fullest capacity voice,
Show me your stretch marks,
and I will show you exactly by how much you have grown!

Brussels © December 2014 afesehngwaHilary