Thursday, April 16, 2015

Silence is the manure of abuse!

Silence is the manure of abuse,
If you are abused,
Psychologically used,
Speak out,
Shout out,
Scream out,
Yell out,
Tell a friend,
Tell a stranger,
Tell Jesus,
Make some noise,
Get some attention,
Start a scene,
Dramatize the act,
Do whatever is necessary,
Until help can hear you,
And report with rescue,

Or else you feed abuse,
Which will grow,
Grow to be a monster,
That will claim your life,
Sometimes violently,
Sometimes subtly,

Abuse can be as good as death,
So even with death threats,
Speak out till help runs in to you,
Or you walk out to help;

Man, woman, child, adult,
Young and old,
Find your voice,
Use your voice,
Save your voice,
Raise your voice... if necessary.

Brussels © April 2015 afesehngwaHilary