Thursday, November 13, 2014

Undeserved gift of now!

To think you are too young,
Deluded to be too strong,
To syndicate tomorrow’s imagined miseries,
Into many avoidable sorrows of today,
To postpone to live that which could be lived today,
Hoping to live in a tomorrow,
Full of uncertainty and uncontrollable mysteries,
To be steeped and trapped in the drunken stupor,
Of the tragic illusion that the next moment certainly belongs to you,
When you have the undeserved gift of now,

Reality will inevitably sink in,
Either with the subtlety of insidious water currents,
Or with the bang of an overpowering tsunami,
Now is all we got - undeserved,
Let us live in it,
Fully, unapologetically!

Brussels © November 2014 afesehngwaHilary