Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I still remember

I still remember!

I still remember like it was yesterday,
There was no warning call,
I can still see her breathe her last,
A last breath which marked the transition,
To a world beyond,
Beyond the flesh,
Beyond the understanding of those left behind,
And now the death of any person,
Triggers a journey down memory lane,
To a shelf which has refused to gather dust,
A shelf which has gathered no dust over the years,
I can see the fragile thread,
Which held her to an even more fragile life,
I can see that thread snap in a moment,
While a brutal reality is ushered in on this side,
Lum was ushered into a mystery eternity on the other side,
I can still see her body change homes,
From her room to a fridge,
I can still feel that is a place too cold for any person to be,
And then from the fridge,
Her body of clay is reunited with mother earth,
Her body might rot,
And become food for flora,
Her soul might be gone,
But she forever lives in my heart,
In a treasure trove of memories,
Where I frequently visit to meet with her again,
I still remember like it was yesterday!

© 2009 Afeseh Ngwa Hilary.