Monday, February 22, 2010



Arrrh greed,
Macadam to the place of ultimate destruction,
With an allure of satisfaction,
As fake as the wig on a bald head!

© 2010 afeseh ngwa hilary


  1. Greed, like all things, is grey.. it can also be an inspiration.
    Two sides to a coin, my friend..which side are you going to focus on..?!

  2. eLmo :-) ... you sent me checking the meaning of the word - greed... granted, it can "inspire" in that it forces one to stretch self to reach a fuller potential, but I think the inherent inordinate desire for excess(more than what is need) which is characteristic of greed is crippling and ultimately destroys the greedy person... I found a definition which captures the essence of greed "Greed (also called avarice) in psychology is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth." ... dictators who want to be in power forever and the causes of the current economic crises in the US are examples writ large... needless to emphasize the consequences :-)
