Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Refugee child

Refugee child!

I watched those near hopeless eyes,
Very faintly lit on a listless body,
Body familiar to hardship and suffering,
Testament of the inner strength of man,
She carved a more genuine smile than most,
Lean flesh on malformed bones,
Hapless and helpless,
Yes but not hopeless,
Hope didn't shine forth like a new moon,
But I could see it brewing in her every breath,

Oh life behooves every man,
With greater and better opportunity,
To reach out and lend a hand,
In lifting up every such sorry frame,
No refugee child earns that title for themselves,
Adults usually connive in their greed to make them so,
Nature might help catapult them to those depths,

But we have a collective responsibility,
Doesn't matter how you look,
Or where you're from,
Babies are innocent across the board,
Whatever you can do,
Make a contribution to protect them,
Show them some love,
Send them some care,
Educate somebody about the preciousness of children,
Keep their abusers away,
Raise a prayer to heaven,
Revolt against wars,

Every violent war is fundamentally against a child,
They cannot protect themselves!
They are the future of the world,
The child you can and fail to reach today,
Might be your nightmare tomorrow,
The nightmare of the world,
The bandit on your door,
Help a child today!

© 2010 afeseh ngwa hilary


  1. Indeed!

    I have a question for you. It is possible that in my search for spiritual completeness, I have not fully understood the motives and manifestations of God. Can you please tell me why God allows these things to happen to helpless, powerless, naive, innocent children? This is not questioning God, it is just seeking to know more about how He works.

    Another powerful piece from you petit frere.

  2. I feel like a refugee child some days...as I am a victim of the wickedness of man & earthlings...though I haven't witnessed any wars.
    Nick God is not a dictator.He allows us to do freely as we wish...be it good or bad.I just think God is so amazing because if I was God(thankfully I am not) certain continents of the world & its leaders will evaporate in a puff.
    To God be the Glory.

  3. @Nico - "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." - Deuteronomy 29:29... I wish I could tell you that I have an answer... yours is one of those questions which are both timeless and timely and it has probably been around for as long as man has been on earth... many have grappled with it, and countless persons continue to... like a toddler trying to grasp and understand the soliloquy of his/her philosophical father, full understanding of God's motives behind allowing these difficulties which are a part of our living here on earth still eludes us...it has alienated some from God and brought/drawn some closer to Him... I pray always that I will be in the latter category... and it is my prayer for you too... you forced me to re-evaluate my understanding of some of the things that God allows... I trust though that there is no mistake in it... and we will fully understand when we see Him as He really is (1 John 3:2)... as I revisited this difficult question at your prompting, of the many possible explanations on the net, I found the one on this website helpful ... http://christianity101online.com/blog/2006/10/04/why-does-god-allow-children-to-suffer/

    God is faithful and I know He understands more than we will ever know... hard as it is may we just trust Him and obey Him, He'll take care of the rest... the apostle Paul walked with God yet he knew afflictions many of us will never know (2 Corinthians 11:16-29) - may God never leave us dear sister even in our deepest doubts and pains... may He birth in us a fresh hunger and thirst to fully abide in Him... in Jesus' name, Amen...
    @Mamz - we all feel like refugees some days I guess... at least I feel like you too sometimes... it can be harder when you are a refugee at 'home'... truly, thankfully you are not God :) :) :)...

  4. Brilliant! I fully understand your response and it is very satisfying. Thanks for the link to the website. I'm going there now! Have a marvelous Thursday and thanks for sharing your wisdom. There is something about being in "For His Glory's" space that adds so much meaning to life. Keep doing what you're doing small bro.
