Monday, September 22, 2014

More precious than my iphone 6

His names was Hughes,
Favorite subject of my muse,
Met him on a boat cruise,
He was one of the many crews,
His father and mother were Jews,
Through his service I made him pay his dues,
All the way from Havana to Santa Cruz,
From then on we went everywhere in twos,
Like the inseparable gander and the goose,
We would go running and get wet in the morning dews,
It was hard to tell who’s whose,
We navigated our way through many religious don’ts and doos,
Caught in an affectionate loving which let love ooze,

Before you feel like you want to be in my shoes,
Let me tell you that after a while it was all a ruse,
Out of nowhere the love structure lost many screws,
Will all its falling parts desperately in need of glues,
With the folly of many ewes,
I refused to listen to the warning views,
I refused to heed the shouting clues,
I had waited for him in many queues,
As I queued I denied to take the cues,
While I waited I drowned in booze,
To check and reign in my anger fuse,
Encountered many a bruise,
Bruises which left me in many blues,
Certain the bruises will help me choose,
So I let the pain of knowing Hughes,
Give me many lessons and life-long choosing clues,
The news is that I am better and getting on another cruise,

The next adventure more precious to me than my iphone 6.

© September 2014 afesehngwaHilary


  1. Really didn't feel like being in your shoes
    Cos I had no clues
    And I feared being left in the blues.
    But I enjoyed it Big Afeseh

  2. I know you :-) ... Thank you for stopping by with poetic beauty :-)
