Thursday, January 22, 2015

More beautiful than Helen of Troy!

Helen had the face that launched a thousand ships,
She has a face which can launch ten thousand ships and more,
Endowed with a beauty so pure, so unvarnished, so unadulterated,
So pretty Helen will look ugly by her side,
She has charmed ten thousand men and more than countless things,
Her beauty also lured a madness as subtle as it is real,
A rare and unpredictable madness charmed by her magnetic person,
A madness of untold proportions drawn by the sweet nectar of her being,
A madness that wouldn't let her be,
Be normal or formal but informal and abnormal and paranormal,
One that would not spare her for owning such a pretty face,
The face prettier than Helen of Troy's,
She beats Helen in both beauty and an unsuspecting madness,
She makes Helen pale in significance by her side,
And in courting her many have courted the end of life as they knew it,
Learning one of life's invaluable lessons,
Than indeed all that glitters it not purely gold!

Brussels © January 2015 afesehngwaHilary


  1. If her beauty makes Helen looks ugly, Then she must have some Bafut origins, no matter how distant it is in her genetic tree.

  2. Lol sis - thanks for stopping by always
